2022 is reaching it's end. So may things happened, some bad and some good things. Not gonna lie, besides everything bad happened, 2022 is the best year for me. This was a huge shift for me, in musical and life terms.
I've had so many highlights this year. Label activity, connections with other hardstyle artists, my debut album, collabs/remixes. It was an insane ride.
Although, the first half of 2022 was the worst for me. Not an secret that, i had some mental issues due to family loss and very rough school experience. But the second half was really different. In good way.
I became stronger, my musical vision became stronger, my confidence became stronger. With all of that, i'm ready to step into the other side. Into the new year, which WILL be better.
And i hope i will meet it together with these guys below:
@Lordant (although we didn't interact that much, you also showed me some support, which i'm really grateful)
@X-500 (despite our conflicts and personal hostility, all of this helped me to change myself into the different person, so... thank you i guess)
I don't know, what to say anymore. I stepped into the adult life, i graduated. I changed in music and life. And i'm ready. Ready to step into the 2023. And i hope to see you around.
Happy New Uncharted Year! #2023
You are stronger!